martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010


The effect of changes in hepatocyte membrane potential on immediate-early proto-oncogene expression following partial hepatectomy in rats.

Minuk GY, Kren BT, Xu R, Zhang X, Burczynski F, Mulrooney NP, Fan G, Gong Y, Steer CJ.

Department of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.

Ultraestructural Characteristic of Intracellular Contacts and Cell Membrane Differentiations

Jean-Claude Wanson

Liver The Biology and Pathobiology

Third Edition


Hodgkin, A. & Horowicz, P., (1959)The influence of potassium and chloride ions on the membrane potential of single muscle fibres. J.Gen. Physiol., 148:127-160.

Weiss, T.F. (1996) Cellular Biophysics, Vol. 1, Transport. The MIT Press, Cambridge

Modelo de membrana de Gorter y Grendel. PROTEINAS: Concepto y estructura. Modelos de membrana de Davson y Danielli y el de Robertson. Asimetría y Fluidez:

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